Cangas de onís asturias
Cangas de onís asturias 2022
cangas de onís población
Lo más representativo de la villa es su Puente Romano, declarado Conjunto Histórico-Artístico en 1931, con cinco arcos, tres de ellos apuntados, y del que cuelga una reproducción de la Cruz de la Victoria. La ermita de Santa Cruz también destaca por la antigüedad de su estructura, construida sobre un dolmen en el año 437. Fue reconstruida por el rey Favila en el 737 para custodiar la Cruz de la Victoria. Las últimas obras de reconstrucción se llevaron a cabo tras la Guerra Civil, y dejaron al descubierto el dolmen, que data del año 3.000 antes de Cristo. Otros edificios interesantes son el Ayuntamiento, de finales del siglo XIX; el Palacio de Cortés, de estilo renacentista; y la Capilla de San Antonio, del siglo XVI.
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It is a magnificent and iconic work of Cangas de Onis, was built in the Middle Ages on what remained of an ancient Roman bridge that gave continuity to one of its cobbled roads. It is located over the waters of the river Sella, where it rests on three asymmetrical arches. From the central arch hangs since 1939, the Cross of Victory, a copy of the original most important symbol of Asturias. For its historical value and beauty of the place, in 1931 it was declared a Historical Monument.
Walking through the streets of the historic center, which is not very extensive, you can enjoy seeing some buildings and monuments with the charm of the past they represent. Among them you can admire works such as the Town Hall, a 19th century building whose facade is crowned with a clock and a bell tower, and the Casa Riera in the Indian style, today the headquarters of the Tourist Office. Also the Parish Church of Cangas de Onis, with its fantastic bell tower, built in 1963 and the Cortes Palace of Renaissance style of the nineteenth century.
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The council of Cangas de Onis is bordered to the north by Parres and Ribadesella, to the east by Onis and Llanes, to the west by Amieva and Parres and to the south by the province of Leon. The motto on its coat of arms is «Minima Urbium Máxima Sedium». It has a population of 6209 inhabitants (INE, 2020). In 1908 Cangas de Onís was granted the title of city.
Since the Upper Paleolithic there are remains of human life. Thus, there are the caves of El Buxu and Los Azules. In the first there are lithic and bone remains, and cave paintings of various types of animals mixed with geometric motifs. In the Azules cave, a corpse and a wealth of tools have been found.
From the Neolithic, we also have remains in the caves of Salmula, Trespando and Cuelebre. In the same way we also find dolmens such as Santa Cruz, which is the best preserved. It consists of five large stones that form the dolmen chamber. A very important element of this dolmen is the pictorial decoration and engravings in its interior.
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