Tartar de atun mercadona

tartar de atún peruano

Ya sabéis que soy muy fan de sus tartares: son rápidos de preparar, seguros (después de congelarlos en casa), saciantes y deliciosos (si se siguen recetas como las que os propongo jajaja).  ¡Os dejo aquí un enlace a todas mis recetas de tartar!

Cinco minutos antes de comer, aliñar con aceite, vinagre y sal al gusto.  Es muy aconsejable no dejarlo menos tiempo (para que se integren bien los sabores) pero sobre todo NO más, porque el pescado empieza a «cocerse» y cambia su aspecto y textura.

Podríamos comerlo así, pero si tenéis un aro de emplatar, ¡será todo un profesional!  Simplemente tenemos que colocar el aro en el centro del plato y rellenarlo con una cuchara, apretando bien para que al retirar el aro por arriba no se deshaga todo.

Tartar de atun mercadona en línea

tuna tartar with mango

Tartar is a dish based on raw meat or fish, finely chopped, with a citrus fruit (lime or lemon) and seasoned or flavored with spices and sauces. The truth is that it meets all the requirements to be considered an appropriate dish for a special occasion because it is very colorful and has a powerful flavor. However, far from being something complex, it is a very simple recipe that can be prepared in advance, what more can you ask for?

Of course, this dish calls for toast, so you should serve a basket with toast in the center, which should be very crunchy. And now, enjoy this exquisite, delicious bite, full of contrasts, juicy… how hungry just thinking about it!

Tartar as such is a very flexible preparation, as you only need a quality raw material (fresh meat or fish), an acid such as lime juice, and the rest of the condiments of your choice.

beef tartar

Tartar is a dish based on raw meat or fish, finely chopped, with a citrus fruit (lime or lemon) and seasoned or flavored with spices and sauces. The truth is that it meets all the requirements to be considered an appropriate dish for a special occasion because it is very colorful and has a powerful flavor. However, far from being something complex, it is a very simple recipe that can be prepared in advance, what more can you ask for?

Of course, this dish calls for toast, so you should serve a basket with toast in the center, which should be very crunchy. And now, enjoy this exquisite, delicious bite, full of contrasts, juicy… how hungry just thinking about it!

Tartar as such is a very flexible preparation, as you only need a quality raw material (fresh meat or fish), an acid such as lime juice, and the rest of the condiments of your choice.

  Lomos de merluza en salsa marinera

Por Emilio Velazquez

Soy Emilio Velazquez webmaster y principal redactor de webinstant.es . Me encantan los perros y el café caliente por las mañanas.