Ucero cañon rio lobos

Amazon prime el cid

Este lugar es realmente hermoso. El profundo cañón, los escarpados acantilados, esconden un espectacular laberinto de cuevas en el lateral. Algunas de ellas son sumideros. La zona está sombreada por enebros y habitada por buitres leonados, águilas reales y halcones.La mayoría de los senderos que atraviesan el parque discurren junto a las claras aguas del río Lobos, salpicadas de camadas de agua. Dentro del parque se encuentra la ermita románica de San Bartolomé, realizada en el siglo XII. Es un rincón lleno de magia. Fue uno de los enclaves más importantes para las noches templarias.Además de


This natural area was declared a Natural Park by Decree of the Junta de Castilla y León 115/1985 of October 10, 1985, due to its unique natural attributes and covers an area of 9580 hectares. Subsequently, in 1987, the same area was declared a Special Protection Area for Birds (SPA).

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The plant population that inhabits this natural space is made up of different species, among which the emblematic junipers of sabina albar stand out. Next to this tree can be seen abundant populations of Pino pudio, gall oak and holm oak. In the areas covered with scrub you can see junipers, bearberry and gorse complemented by thyme, lavender and sage.

Lobos river canyon

In periods of heavy rains, mainly from the beginning of winter until the arrival of summer, caution should be exercised due to the possible existence of floods, so it is not advisable to cross the path in this case.

It has a Latin cross plan, a singular case in the Romanesque of Soria. The lateral chapels are lower than the central one and are illuminated by two rose windows covered with a stone lattice, which denote a marked Arab influence. In the vicinity of the hermitage is the Colmenar de los Frailes.

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If the trail goes upstream, the hiker will enter the Castillo Billido Reserve Zone. This is a highly sensitive area due to the presence of endangered species. Further on the trail will cross a second Reserve Zone, El Apretadero.

Orduño el cid

There is, of course, the possibility of going by one path and returning by the other. However, as the River Path is the most attractive and also the one with the most shadows, we went and returned by this one.

This is what remains of the largest Templar Monastery of San Juan de Otero. Or at least, this is what the legend says, since there are many authors who question this relationship of San Bartolomé with the Order of the Temple.

It is a pity that the church has such a limited opening time, so that we can only enjoy its architecture from the outside.    The entrance doorway, slightly pointed, reminds us that we are already in a moment of transition to early Gothic. However, what strikes us most is the interlacing in the form of a five-pointed lobed star, which ornaments the two rose windows of the church.

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The truth is that we do not know how deep this cave is, since we only entered a couple of dozen meters inside. Then you can continue, no idea if a little or a lot, but we no longer advance, because we go with Iris. In this hollow drilled in the same limestone there are some samples of schematic rock art, although there are few and the truth is that we did not find them.

Por Emilio Velazquez

Soy Emilio Velazquez webmaster y principal redactor de webinstant.es . Me encantan los perros y el café caliente por las mañanas.