Ordesa y monte perdido cola de caballo

Ordesa y monte perdido cola de caballo

horsetail wikiloc route

This important park has a series of trails that are used by both experts and beginners, both to access the high peaks of over 3,000 meters and for walks with the family. The excursion par excellence in Ordesa is the one we now describe. We will have several options to reach the Cola de Caballo.

The beginning of the itinerary is in the Ordesa meadow. We will choose to go by the Gradas de Soaso, although we can also reach the horsetail by the Senda de los Cazadores -a somewhat more complicated route, which is an alternative to make the round trip by the same path-.

Once we have lived the experience, we can return along the same path, enjoying the scenery for the second time. As we have mentioned, we can vary the return by the second option to reach the Cola de Caballo, which we describe below.

We begin the route in the Ordesa Meadow, until we reach a fork. On the left we find the Classic Route of Ordesa -described above-. We take the path on the right towards the Path of the Hunters.

ordesa and monte perdido

Legend has it that in the 5th century, the Visigothic leader, Eurico, decided with his army to raid the villages of the Pyrenees. Arriving at a village, and in the middle of the fray, it so happens that three Celtiberian and Christian sisters, motherless, were to be married that same day, but the sisters manage to hide from the Visigoth soldiers, while their father and their fiancées are taken prisoner. When the invading troops return to the village, they see nothing but death and destruction, but they find a severely wounded Visigoth chief among some bushes, to whom they offer care and cure under the promise that he will free his relatives and fiancés.

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When the Visigoth is cured, they take him to their camp, where at first the sisters are received cordially but, after a few days and reminding the soldier of his engagement, he tells them that he is their fiancé.

Time passes, and the pain diminishes when one of the sisters agrees to marry the Visigoth they saved and the others to marry warriors. To do so, they must first renounce the Christian faith, which they do. On the wedding night, suddenly, and in the midst of a terrifying glow, the specter of their own father appears to each of them, reproaching them for their conduct, and the three sisters flee terrified from the Visigoth camp. Overcome by guilt and remorse, they decide to settle as penitents in three barracks at the back of Monte Perdido. The three prisoners who were their boyfriends, in retaliation for their abandonment, are finally hanged. At the same time, a terrible avalanche of snow buries the huts of the three unfortunate sisters with them inside.

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monte perdido route

From here we will continue for about 45 minutes more on a path that will lead us to the final destination of our excursion, the Cola de Caballo. In total we will have invested in the ascent about 3 hours without counting breaks.

On the way back I recommend that after passing the Estrecho waterfall and before arriving at the Arripas waterfall, turn off onto a path that crosses to the other side of the Arazas River over the Arripas bridge to finish the descent on the opposite bank to the ascent and thus enjoy different views of the route, such as the one offered from the Arripas viewpoint.

valle de ordesa

El Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido es una zona ridículamente hermosa del Pirineo español que cuenta con innumerables rutas de senderismo de todos los niveles, desde las más fáciles hasta las verdaderamente épicas. Nos alojamos en Torla (un pueblo en el límite del Parque Nacional) y exploramos todo lo que pudimos. El paseo que voy a describir es una fantástica introducción a la zona. Se trata de una caminata a través de un bonito bosque caducifolio que está rodeado de enormes cañones. Podrás ver al menos cinco cascadas antes de emerger en el Valle de Ordesa con vistas a la tercera montaña más alta de los Pirineos, el Monte Perdido.

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Marc y yo tendemos a distraernos con desvíos que suenan divertidos, así que el paseo que hicimos comenzó con esta caminata a Cola de Caballo, pero luego seguimos adelante e hicimos una caminata de unos 28km y unos 1230m de desnivel acumulado. No estoy seguro de que mucha gente quiera caminar tanto en un día, así que he dividido nuestra aventura en secciones más manejables.

La caminata a Cola de Caballo comienza en el aparcamiento de la Pradera de Ordesa. En verano no está permitido aparcar aquí, así que tendrás que caminar, o coger un autobús o un taxi desde el pueblo de Torla-Ordesa. Sin embargo, visitamos el lago en septiembre, por lo que pudimos conducir hasta el comienzo de la caminata. Mirando hacia arriba desde el aparcamiento, esta fue nuestra primera vista del increíble Cañón de Ordesa.

Por Emilio Velazquez

Soy Emilio Velazquez webmaster y principal redactor de webinstant.es . Me encantan los perros y el café caliente por las mañanas.